No Scent Features
- Can be used for feces or anal gland odor removal between groomings or vet visits
- Use when accidents occur to remove odors from pets
- Safe for pets, people and places
- No harmful effects to pet’s skin, coat or eyes
- Veterinarian tested and approved
- Dermatologist tested and approved
- Hypo-allergenic and fragrance free
- Proudly manufactured in the USA

Product Review
Recently a veterinarian friend recommended the No Scent Anal Gland and Skunk product. To my surprise it worked great. Two of my Labs got skunked when they were out running in the woods. When they got back to the house they were stinking. I sprayed them from head to toe and wiped them down with a clean dry towel and the scent was removed immediately. This product works great.
My cat was sprayed by a skunk and the vet had to put her under anesthesia to bathe her using tomato juice and a douche powder which I had never heard of before. Hundreds of dollars later the cat still smelled. She hated being spritzed but it really worked! No more smell. Thank you!

To Use No Scent
Between baths – Refresh coat for anal expressed or feces odors – Wipe affected area until clean, spray generously onto pet’s fur, air dry
Remove skunk odors – Completely wet down pet with No Scent, air dry